MNDA see 36% increase in conversion rate and 59% increase in income with goDonate Plus

Executive Summary:

The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) raises money to improve the lives of individuals affected by the debilitating motor neurone disease. With a transition to Drupal 9 for their website, MNDA sought a solution to seamlessly integrate complex online donation forms and to provide an easy sign-up membership offering to its supporters. MNDA turned to goDonate, following an in-depth procurement process.

With its white-label, fully customisable platform and use of the latest payment methods and digital wallets, MNDA saw goDonate Plus as the ideal solution for their needs to provide an optimal UX for both the online fundraising and membership requirements.

Client Overview:

The Motor Neurone Disease Association focuses on improving access to care, research and advocacy for individuals living with or affected by motor neurone disease in the UK. With six people in the UK receiving the devastating diagnosis of the disease daily. Since MND progresses rapidly and there is currently no effective treatment or cure, the Association is wholly dedicated to supporting patients and their families through this devastating journey.

Implementation Objectives:

MNDA sought a solution to facilitate a seamless donation process for their supporters. The key objectives included:

  • Donations: Facilitate both single and regular giving, including specific products like Cure Finders.
  • Membership: Offer a flexible membership model allowing supporters to join for free or donate an amount of their choice.

MNDA required a platform that integrated smoothly with their new Drupal website and Raiser’s Edge CRM, providing an intuitive user experience while reducing internal administration and optimising with the latest digital payment options. Additionally, the solution needed to be customisable to align with MNDA’s branding and specific campaign requirements.


By implementing goDonate Plus, MNDA successfully transformed its online fundraising and membership processes and have seen a fantastic 36% increase in conversion rate and 59% increase in income.

Providing supporters with a seamless and engaging experience, tailored campaign journeys and offering the various digital wallet donation options that supporters are now demanding has been vital in creating this uplift in income.

The platform’s integration with their Drupal website has ensured a cohesive user journey, while its flexibility allows MNDA to customise donation forms to specific campaigns and appeals.

Furthermore, goDonate Plus’s tracking and analytics capabilities have empowered MNDA to gain key insights into donor behaviour, enabling personalised engagement strategies.

The whole process of onboarding and going live with goDonate was smooth and we’re already seeing an uptake in payments via digital wallet, a new option for our supporters. We would recommend goDonate to others in the charity sector.

Zoe Foote – Digital Project Manager, MNDA

Overall, goDonate Plus has proved to be the ideal solution for MNDA, aiding their mission to optimise support for individuals affected by MND.

For more info, pricing or to arrange a demo

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